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Photo: It is important to understand the insurance cover you get as part of your New Zealand rugby contract.

As a professional player in New Zealand, you recieve Health (Medical), Trauma and Life insurance as part of your contract. One of the main benefits of this medical insurance is it includes pre-existing conditions. To find out what you are insured for click on the relevant links below.

If you are going overseas, find out what you need to do to keep your insurance going or put it on hold.  Below is a checklist of things you should consider regarding your insurance before you go overseas. 

For assistance with your insurance queries please contact either:

Gema Hill – InsureYou
Mobile ph 021 824 815

Fiona Brading – NZRPA
Mobile ph: 021 236 8381

Insurance information:
If you want to learn more details about the insurances, click below pdf document:
insureyou NZRPA Flyer 2020.pdf

If you are going overseas, you can either put your insurance on hold or continue it. The flyer below will give you some information on your options. If you need help or have any questions, please ring Gema or Fiona. 
insureyou-NZRPA leaving Flyer 2020.pdf





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