People Development

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata he tangata he tangata!

As part of professional contracts, players receive a minimum half-day each week for their personal development. In addition to this protected time, players have access to a team of exceptional Personal Development Manager’s (PDMs).

PDM’s are independent to performance and are there to work alongside players, co-creating growth plans, facilitating connections and providing meaningful learning opportunities that empower players to thrive throughout their professional careers and beyond. They are incredibly well connected with large networks across the country ready to provide expertise and support to players across all areas of their lives including:

  • Furthering your education and planning for your career post-rugby
  • Maximising your financial knowledge and creating your own wealth plan
  • Developing self-leadership and other core skills
  • Being empowered and supported to optimise your wellbeing
  • Maximising your professional rugby opportunities.

You’ll find a PDM in every Provincial Union, Super Rugby Club and the Sevens across the motu. We also have dedicated PDM support for our overseas-based professional players and are there to awhi players long after they’ve hung up the boots through our NZRPA Rugby Club. As players you are NZRPA members for life, meaning we are here to help at all stages of your journey. Find the contact info for our people HERE.

The NZRPA established the Personal Development Programme in 2001. More than 20-years on, it continues to play a very special role in the empowerment, support, and growth of people. The Programme is a joint venture between the NZRPA and New Zealand Rugby.