NZRPA launches the Aftermatch

General News
NZRPA launches the Aftermatch

The New Zealand Rugby Players Association has launched a new programme dedicated to retired rugby players. 

Recent research with New Zealand professional players shows over 85% would have benefited from career services at their time of leaving rugby and over 90% of retired players surveyed would like access to free and confidential mental wellbeing support.  

The Aftermatch is a pilot programme focused on supporting athletes who are looking at new opportunities after contributing to the game of rugby in New Zealand and abroad.  

“Experiencing big life changes, including a career transition, carries unique challenges and opportunities. For elite athletes, this can be an especially complex experience no matter how well prepared you are," says Nikita Hall, General Manager of People Development at NZRPA.   

"Over many years of working alongside professional rugby players, we’ve been able to curate and deliver a suite of services that empower and equip players to thrive in their next chapter of life."

“Thanks to the Global Rugby Players Foundation we are now able to supercharge the services we have on offer through our Aftermatch Programme, to ensure every NZRPA member who retires from playing professionally has access to an incredible network of meaningful support, empowering them to launch ahead with a sense of purpose and confidence.” 

Maree Bowden, who was a personal development manager (PDM) for Canterbury for just under five years returns to NZRPA after a two-year stint in Japan supporting players at Toyota Verblitz, as the PDM for the Aftermatch.  

Bowden’s role will focus on players who are thinking about retirement or have recently retired within the last two years. This group also includes the first wave of professional women’s players.  

“We are especially excited to work closely with this group and learn more about any unique challenges women encounter through their transition beyond playing professionally,” says Hall, who leads the Personal Development Programme. There are 24 PDMs based across New Zealand. 

Bowden will also work closely with Scott Fuglistaller who has been managing the retired players group, after a 13-year professional rugby career spanning New Zealand, Australia and Japan. Fuglistaller will continue to concentrate on building relationships with professional players who have been retired for more than two years.  

The successful application for funding of the Aftermatch also means players have access to a dedicated career coach in Tracey McDowall, a highly regarded career practitioner, and counselling services can now be proactively offered to NZRPA retired members. 

The Aftermatch is one of four pilot projects awarded funding from the Global Rugby Players Foundation (GRPF), an organisation set up by players to support players who are going through or been through retirement from rugby.  

The 10 founding members of GRPF include New Zealand’s own Conrad Smith, Dan Carter and Richie McCaw as well as RPA and Pacific Rugby Players member Census Johnston to name a few.   

Joining the Aftermatch 

If you held a professional rugby contract in New Zealand and would like to join the Aftermatch, please contact Scott Fuglistaller on or +6420 4025 4415 


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