Collective & Contracts

CEA20220408_171225.jpgPhoto: Title page of The Collective Employment Agreement (CEA). between New Zealand Rugby and the NZRPA sets the rules and regulations for how professional rugby is run in New Zealand. 

The Collective Employment Agreement (CEA) between New Zealand Rugby and the NZRPA sets the rules and regulations for how professional rugby is run in New Zealand. 

Below you will find the latest CEA and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the NZRPA and NZR and information on how professional rugby contracting is done in New Zealand.

If you have any questions regarding contracts, the collective agreement or MoU, please contact any of the following:

NZRPA Representation Lead James Parsons on 0800 PLAYER or email

Representation Advisor Ashley Stanley on 

or your Agent: Click here to view a list of NZRPA Accredited Agents.

Useful Resources